Environex HD Heavy Duty Cleaner 15 Litres

$124.16 inc GST per Unit

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Price includes GST

All prices are ex-manufacturer. Delivery needs to be added. To confirm Total Pricing for your order, contact us on 07 4633 3311 or email [email protected]

Dantrans Trucks

We deliver direct to you across South-East Qld, Brisbane, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast using Dantrans, our purpose-built fleet of trucks with all-terrain forklifts. We also deliver to depots in Toowoomba and Brisbane for freight-forwarding across Australia. We deliver large loads into Sydney and interstate.

Category: Cleaners and Sealers Brand: SKU: ENHD15

HD Cleaner – Heavy Duty Cleaner for Most Surfaces

HD Cleaner is a powerful caustic detergent degreaser formulated for the safe and effective removal of heavy grease and soil deposits encountered in kitchen, food preparation areas, plant, machinery and workshops. HD Cleaner has excellent foaming and cleaning characteristics ideally suited to cleaning heavy oil spill and grease spills from masonry paving, diesel fumes, road grime, barbeques, ovens, truck engines and bodies.

Apply in 4 Easy Steps.

Phone us on 07 4633 3311 for advice on the correct product to suit your specific cleaning and sealing needs.

You can ‘do-it-yourself’ with this product. We can also recommend an experienced, professional Applicator who can clean and seal your products and provide a Warranty.

* Contact us for a discounted price for purchases of more than 10 x HD Cleaners 15 Litres.

The product images on this page provide a general indication of colour to assist with your selection. We recommend you view current product samples before making your final selection.